Saturday, December 1, 2007

Any advice on improvement would be appreciated

Did some PCT last night and fired up a G30 on FICS. Crafty has illuminated the error of my 34th move. Really obvious that I missed it in hindsight. I wouldn't have figured the whole line, I don't think, but that one move should have stood out to me.

I'm not sure where I could have done better in the middlegame. Crafty saw no tactical chances missed.

Crafty at move 34: 34. ... Kc4 35. a3 Kb3 36. Kd3 Kxa3 37. Kc3 Ka4 38. d5 a5 39. bxa5 Kxa5

I never feared for my King, really. My pieces had a good hold on the center and I was comfortable pushing his dark Bishop when I did. I feel like I might have missed something with either my dark Bishop finding a check on f2 and/or the knight that eventually took his Bishop on g3 finding a fork.


  1. Sorry Friend, the best I could find for you was a draw. Just looking at the engame stuff anyway.

    27)Qd1+, Kg1
    28)Qxc2, Qe6

    Although Crafty recommends

    29)h4, Qe6
    30)hxg5, Qe3+
    31)Kh2, Qxg5
    32)c4, bxc4
    33)Qxc4, Qb4
    34)Qe4, Kf6

    With an evaluation of -.28 in favor of black, when I let it duke it out with itself it is a draw.

    Overall I think you played a great game. I don't play oepn games as black although I've been thinking of taking it up.

  2. 25) fxe6, you opponent has to capture the Knight doubling his pawn and leaving your "isolate" e pawn unopposed. It's not a forced win, especially with the Queens still on the board but it was your best try for a win.

  3. Overall I think you played a great game.


    I hope to go back to this game tonight and do a quick review, so these are some good ideas.

  4. Trading down to a Queen/Pawn ending is not often a real good formula for winning at our level--unless there's some obvious win or maybe if you know you're a clearly superior tactician.

    (Keep in mind you're hearing this from a "heavyweight" class C, so if someone else finds holes, don't be surprised.)

    Looking at move 20, one idea that came to mind was White's d3 Pawn. If you can prevent it from advancing, you may be able to tie White's pieces down to its defense.

    You're looking at doing something like Nh5, then Nf4, f6, Kg7 as necessary to defend your e5 pawn, then piling your major pieces on the d file. Then e4 may be a threat because the d3 pawn would be pinned.

    This idea might be too slow, though. I dunno.

  5. Addendum: I didn't shove the idea into a computer to see if it would work.

  6. You might want to think about 15...Qe8 which breaks the pin and allows e4 earlier (the only disadvantage to this move is that you have to deal with Bf6 but I do not think it is in White's interest to play this move anyways), another way to accomplish this is by playing h6 instead of Rd8, but you need to get e4 in ASAP in a position like this, because then your threats come to life. For instance

    15...Qe7 16 Nc2 h6! 17 Bh4 g5 18 Bg3 e4 19 de Ne4

    now White cannot play the move in the game Ne3 because:

    20 Ne3 Nf2! 21 Bf2 Be3

    just a few things to think about,

    I was going to comment on move 34, but then I saw your annotation. You played a good game but you let the tension fizzle out just a little too early. Keeping the pressure on without allowing your opponent to simplify is a very difficult task.

    Also you should look for plans with a5 instead of Rd8, because this rook is very effective on the a-file, it is difficult to get a5 to work though, I'll think about it and get back to you.
